Holiday Vacation Places
Holiday Vacation Places is ramping up and searching for the “best deals” where to eat, stay and play along with travel deals in Florida, the USA & abroad…
Holiday Vacation Places is affiliating with the top travel companies to provide you exceptional travel deals to the best destinations, air, hotel, and car rental deals, along with enticing cruises with epic excursions. We want to appeal to travel enthusiasts, day trippers and weekend sightseers.
We embrace connecting with travel seekers like you who thrive exploring the globe. In addition to our Diva Dialogue Blog, we scour the web in search of the best travel blog posts at
Agi Anderson, the chief innovator at Digital Diva Ventures has been a Florida resident since the late ’80s. She takes pride in promoting her state of choice. Florida is a long, lovely state with many desirable holiday and vacation places. Visit Florida is an excellent resource with locating where to eat, stay and play. Our plan is to launch Florida Fab Vacations as we expand our affiliations in the sunshine state.
Be sure to check out Loving Life in Florida where we also share, Art Shows, Festivals, Shopping, updates on Diva Deals for Disney, Sea World, Busch Gardens and other Florida attractions and destinations.
TSA Pre Approval: Florida’s airports are very busy since Florida is an international destination. When you’re pre-approved with TSA, you go through security much faster. With a 5 year, $85 membership, you can speed through security and don’t need to remove your shoes, laptops, liquids, belts and light
Obtain/Renew a US Passport: Beware of the many companies who charge extra fees to process a passport. We suggest using Travel.Gov to apply for your US Passport Click here for renewal.
Travelers Check List: If you’re traveling abroad outside of the USA, be sure to review the traveler’s checklist – it’s important to know what’s needed for traveling in foreign countries.
Share your Travel Journeys
Have you been to some awesome vacation places? We welcome guest posts from fellow “travel seekers”. We’d like to know what makes your holiday/vacation spectacular, memorable and invite you to share your spectacular travel, vacation deals with us. Contact us about sending your videos and photos to share with our followers.
And, we invite you to like and follow along on our social networks.
So many exciting travel ventures … so little time. Happy traveling!