My guest for Episode 2 was Lori Peery with The Peery Agency.
Request Aging and Longevity Checklist
Lori Peery shares what you need to know about creating an aging longevity plan. ProAge Boomers are living longer lives. Know what you need to know to protect your health, wealth and quality of life. Request Lori’s Aging Longevity Checklist from Episode 2, of the Boomer Bytes Podcast!
My store on Amazon is one of my other Sunflower Ventures. Along with the store, Patreon, and your thoughtful donations, I am able to continue airing the Boomer Bytes Podcast to encourage ProAge Boomers live their best life!
Helping Seniors of Brevard
Many baby boomers and the generation before are struggling to make ends meet. Helping Seniors of Brevard does their very best to help senior with resources that can provide help. Our contributions help this wonderful organization, be sure to check out their website.